Monday, September 14, 2015


Currently –
Binge Watching: Parenthood. Why did it take me so long?!
Craving: A glass of white wine with a splash of grapefruit sparking water..TRY IT
Lunching: Sweet potatoes or turkey, cheese, and spinach in a whole wheat tortilla..boring work lunch :)
Doing: Anything and everything to get through life :)
Obsessing: About finding the perfect decor without breaking the bank.
Loving: The money I am making with ItWorks! and kicking myself for not joining sooner.
Reading: Ungluded by Lysa TerKeurst!
Wanting: This. And this. And these. Oh, and this would be nice, too. Sigh, I could go on and on.
Pinning: Ideas for our current house. I want to finish a house before we move for once!
Dreaming: About our annual Sam A. Baker camping trip!!
Writing: About finishing the house. Also, catching up on everything I missed in the past year.
Crafting: Pinteresting every possible project to finish at least one room of my house. Hall bathroom is my first project! I want to finish every detail by the end of the month. Next up is our patio! I want to enjoy our awesome backyard this fall!
Listening: To Jeremy Camp, Carrie Underwood, and Phillip Phillips. Great mix, huh?
Wearing: leggings and tunics on the daily, yo.
Needing: New everything! Jeans, tops, etc. This is the first fall I haven't been pregnant or nursing in 4 years. Mama needs some new clothes!
Planning: Zetta Mae's THIRD birthday party!
Trying: To workout consistently...last week I did well. Hope I can keep it up this week!

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